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iPF Noob

sorry if im in the wrong section, but i have a couple questions re: epubs.

1. I have downloaded a couple epub files from Project Gutenberg, can i just add these into my itunes library and they will appear in ibooks?

2. I downloaded an epub file via a torrent site, its a pirated version i assume ( i know its wrong) but testing to see if i can read a whole novel using a ipad screen- then happy to buy as we do for paperbacks now, can i add this into itunes for ibooks too? or do i need a jailbroken ipad?

thanks- sorry i get my ipad in a few days,but getting my itunes all ready.

Ditto Numblock...

1) All ePub files will appear in the Books section of iTunes. Be sure to check the cover artwork BEFORE you sync to your new iPad. There is (or was) a bug in iBook where it caches book cover artwork.

So, if you sync a book and then realize the artwork is wrong, missing (or even boring), while you can update that in iTunes (command-i), the updated artwork won't just appear. You have to uninstall iBook and then reinstall it to clear the cache... :P

This bug has been reported and confirmed by Apple. I suspect it will be fixed in a near release.

2) There are TONS of self-published books on the pirate network... ;-0

ok thanks for tip.
i did add the cover for the 1 i downloaded in itunes.

edit: dont know what happen to my other reply. but thanks numbLock, but i did ask how do I know if its DRM? probably not from pirate bay?
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The easiest way to get the stuff from Project Gutenberg is get the Stanza reader (its free). There is a link in the app that takes you straight to Project Gutenberg where you can download the books directly to your iPad without messing with iTunes and syncing.

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