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Error with the tweak "Slider Width" How to delete without unlocking ipad?


iPF Noob
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
I downloaded a tweak called "slider width", its function is to change the length of the lockscreen slider. In settings, I found the extension and go to iPad. I found out that there was an iPhone/iPod settings. I enabled them both by accident and locked screen. After pressing the home button, there is no slider!!! So now I cant acces my iPad...
Can anyone teach me how to handle this???
I downloaded a tweak called "slider width", its function is to change the length of the lockscreen slider. In settings, I found the extension and go to iPad. I found out that there was an iPhone/iPod settings. I enabled them both by accident and locked screen. After pressing the home button, there is no slider!!! So now I cant acces my iPad...
Can anyone teach me how to handle this???

The only thing I can think for you to do is go into Safe Mode and delete the tweak.

Hopefully, you've downloaded Mobile Substrate, which is what you can use to get into Safe Mode. To do - press and hold both the Home and Sleep buttons until you see the Apple logo. Then, press and hold the Volume UP button. The iPad should finish booting into Safe Mode, which should have a slider button so you can get into it. Oh, and you can release the Volume Up button after the iPad finishes booting up.

Once you do, and while still in Safe Mode, go to Cydia and uninstall that tweak. After a respring, you should then see the slider as normal.

Then, you can reinstall the tweak (this time, don't make the error :)). One thing, though, before you do. Sometimes, tweaks leave their plists behind (even after uninstalling - makes it easier to reload later). This might mean that the settings you made will be reactivated once you reinstall the tweak and then you are back in the same boat. So, using an SSH protocol, or iFile, delete that old plist file before you reinstall the tweak.

Notice there are a lot of "shoulds" in the first paragraph. But, putting it into Safe Mode is the first thing I would try if I found myself in this situation. If it doesn't work, or you need more info, holler back and we'll take another shot at it. Good luck.

wow! Thanks alot Mickey330!!! That really helped me out! But I think I should delete it permanently from my iPad, because it wants me to uninstall SBSettings every time I press install...
Lesson learnt: Never uninstall SBSettings as it is a very useful tweak! By the way, still thank you so much for helping me out!!!
1st thanx alot Mickey330!!! and 2nd to darry........ for starting this thread
i had a similar problem will my ipad after installing this Edited by Moderator - this is a family friendly forum, please mind you language here app my slide to unlock froze
i followed your steps and know it works just fine
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