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Espn Mobile or Espn for Ipad access


iPF Noob
My Ipad always picks the Espn moble site and I'm unable to get to the site (Espn) made for Ipads. When I type espn.com it always go to the mobile site. How can I change this or even get to the espn ipad site.

It has nothing to do with your iPad.

When any webbrowser requests a website it also tells the website what webbrowser it is(called the user agent). The website then desides what version of the page to send you depending on your browser. ESPN must have the iPad browser listed to be directed to the mobile site.

There are ways around this. Some webbrowsers available in the app store will let you fake the browsers user agent to pretend that it is another browser like firefox or Internet explorer on a normal PC.
Clear Cookies!!

Sorry MikesToolZ, but you are wrong. It has everything to do with the iPad settings.

Go to Settings --> Safari. Clear cookies and cache.

Then when you go back to Safari and go to espn.com it will ask you if you want the mobile site or regular site. Choose regular site.

I had this problem as well. At some point you must have chosen mobile site as your preference, and it remembered it. Clearing cookies fixes the problem.

Please post here to let me know that this fixed your problem.
Sorry MikesToolZ, but you are wrong. It has everything to do with the iPad settings.
I hate to disagree with you, but I have one of those browsers Mike was talking about and I set it to emulate IE8 and I went to espn.com. It never asked me if I wanted the mobile site or the regular site. For s&g's, I went to espn.com actually using IE8 on my PC and it looks absolutely identical to the display on my iPad.
I'd be willing to bet that the original poster is using Safari. I could be wrong, but third party web browsers are a small piece of the pie right now.

When I log on to ESPN.com from my iPad, I see the same site that I do with IE8, Safari, or Firefox, because I was asked by ESPN if I wanted it that way. It all has to do with cookies for ESPN.

1991-C4, you are using a paid third party app with non-default settings. So you are presenting a situation that really isn't related to the original post. Please try it on Safari, which most people use on an iPad right now. Then please repost and tell me that it doesn't prompt you (assuming you haven't already set the cookie).

If you are using Safari on an iPad and visiting ESPN, then it prompts you as to whether you want a mobile site or not. There is not a debate there. ESPN knows that an iPad can handle a regular site, so it asks you what you want and then puts your preferences in a cookie. And once you set that, you will constantly go to that site until you clear cookies. I think ESPN was smart to do this, but it locked a lot of people in in the beginning and they can't figure out how to change it.

I think this is a common problem.
1991-C4, you are using a paid third party app with non-default settings. So you are presenting a situation that really isn't related to the original post.
But it is precisely related to the original post. Safari, as good as it is, is by no means perfect. You are simply asking Safari to do something it was not designed to do This is the primary reason I spent a whopping 99¢ for the Atomic browser. This is the solution to your problem. For less than $1, your issues with ESPN will go away.

EDIT: I did go to espn.com using Safari and of course it did ask me to choose, but you knew it would. To be honest, I really don't use Safari on my iPad (or my iPod) unless a link takes me there because there is no way to select another default browser.

Interestingly enough, I love using Safari on my Windows machine, but it is an entirely different kitty cat on a PC.
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1991-C4, I agree that Atomic is a great browser, and that Safari has limitations. I think my point is though that you seem like a much more advanced user than most, and the question was from a regular Joe (no offense twinjax, I'm a regular Joe too!).

So for that very specific problem that was posed, the simple answer was to clear cookies.
Well this is how you learn! By coming to the forum and asking questions, you now know that there are alternatives to the Safari browser. You are now a little smarter than when you came here.

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