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Evernote in high school classroom


iPF Noob
I have an ipad classroom set to use in algebra. I want to be able to share notebooks between myself and my class using evernote. I have not been able to get this to happen. I read somewhere that the ipads cannot share a notebook while using the computer you can. However, when I open the shared tab in evernote on the ipad it does say that shared notebooks will show up in a certain location. The notebook that I shared from my computer evernote just does not show up on the ipad in the account that I "invited". I may just not be going through the necessary steps correctly. I have searched online to try to find instructions for step by step way to make this happen, but can't find anything current. Help!
I have finally (after many hours of persevering) gotten this to work! I am going to try to use evernote in my classroom to send assignments to students and have them submit work back to me with shared notebooks. I have set up a "mock" student in an account to see if it works. It works with this trial so I'm very excited about the possibilities. It may not work on a grand scale with a classroom set of ipads, but I'm going to try to do this. Setting everything up with computers first will take some effort but I'm going to give it a shot. :)
If you're teaching math you may already be familiar with the "khan academy" videos available via YouTube. But just in case you're not, you should check them out. More than 2000 short videos dealing with a wide variety of subjects including math from kindergarten to college level topics. They can be accessed via Khan Academy or through apps available free of charge through the app store. The story behind the videos is a compelling one. The videos themselves are simply wonderful bite size treatments of individual topics that students can use at their own pace. I've become something of a missionary for the videos among my friends and acquaintances. I think you'll find them fascinating.
I have finally (after many hours of persevering) gotten this to work! I am going to try to use evernote in my classroom to send assignments to students and have them submit work back to me with shared notebooks. I have set up a "mock" student in an account to see if it works. It works with this trial so I'm very excited about the possibilities. It may not work on a grand scale with a classroom set of ipads, but I'm going to try to do this. Setting everything up with computers first will take some effort but I'm going to give it a shot. :)

So, I usually don't make a habit of surfing the internet for posts about Evernote, but this set of posts popped up in my Google Alerts, so in this case we'll make an exception. Not here to spam either, just provide some constructive feedback (disclosure: I work for Evernote).

Anyway, I'm happy to hear you've got this working for you. We have teachers that use it in this fashion, and it's really exciting when it takes off that way in the classroom. Just to make sure things go smoothly for you, I'd first ensure that you're using the latest version on all of your iPads. If you're not, uninstall and reinstall the newest version. Second, ensure that you've sent the appropriate "share" invite to each of the Evernote accounts your students use, giving them modify status. Third, your account will need to be Premium, because only Premium accounts can give out modify rights to notebooks.You'll need to have extended modify rights to each of the accounts so they can access and make changes to your notebook.

Finally (and moderator, if you're out there, this may smell spammy to you, I don't know) if you snoop around on the website we have a bunch of videos and blog posts about how teachers and schools are using it. Could give you ideas.

Good luck!

(PS: I'd second the Khan Academy stuff. Their financial literacy lessons on iTunes U, in particular, are very very very good.)
I have used some Khan Academy stuff. Lots of it is very good. Thanks for the input. Thanks go gbarry for the evernote info also. Unfortunately I cannot pay for the premium version so I may not be able to make this work. I don't want them to modify anyway, so I thought this would work. I'm wanting to send them problems mostly and have them submit things to me they they have created, separate from what I send them. I am having lots of problems with our school and its internet usage though, so I have NOT been able to get this working yet. I am still very interested to try it, although having to upgrade to premium will definitely cause me an issue. I love evernote for my personal use though and if I never get it to work with my class, I am still going to use it and will encourage the students to check it out.
So here is another comment -- or question really -- for those out there who know way more about ipads than I do! Our school tech department has told us that our ipads use 4x the wireless "stuff" than a laptop does, therefore creating lots of problems for our school and its use of internet. I can't imagine this to be the case, however I know nothing about such things. They also have said as long as the ipad is on and the wireless is "on" even if they are not being used that they "pull" on our wireless connections, etc. and we should turn them off and disable the wireless. There are lots of apps where I need the wireless on -- in fact most of them that I use need it for various reasons. Is this really the case that they are such a problem?

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