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Exchange Email Attachment When Forwarding Takes A Long Time To Load


iPF Noob
Hi, I am not sure if I am in the correct group. I have an iPad III with Exchange configured. User is able to receive and send messages, but when he wants to forward an attachment the device sort of hoses on Loading and after a minute or two it finally loads so he can send the message.

He has a 32MB/4G device - when I tested I was on a wireless connection, not 4G.
He has almost the entire amount free.
I upgraded the device to iOS 6.1 without any improvements.

I checked and he only had mail and contacts opened on the device.

This was happening on his iPadII but he was due for an upgrade so we moved him to an iPad III and for a long time he hasn't had any issues until recently.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks Robin
One idea. Make sure the attachment is fully downloaded before trying to forward the email. If the attachment is bordered with a dashed gray line, it has not finished downloading. Larger files will not download automatically. That means the Mail app has to download, then upload the attachment, doubling the time, of not more. To force an attachment to download, just tap on it. You'll get some progress info below, and when it is finished the dashed line will turn solid.

My general, and hopefully not entirely useless, suggestion is to avoid mailing large attachments.

Instead upload them to a cloud sharing service like DropBox or Box, and mail the share link. The email goes out fast, and the recipient can choose the most convenient time and connection to download it.

Of course, for forwarded emails this will take a bit more work.

The attachment needs to be uploaded to DropBox first. That's not too much work. Once the attachment is fully downloaded (as described above) tap and hold on it to Open In another app. If DropBox (or Box) is installed it will be an option. Once the file is uploaded, generate a shared link.

Back in the email, select Forward, then delete the attachment and replace (paste) the link in it's place.

The bonus here is that you now have a copy of the attachment available in your cloud account (and therefore just about anywhere). That's better than having to dig through old emails to find it.

Good luck.

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