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export file, ios 7 file path


iPF Noob
app2 can access/read/save app1 that document's?

I not understand, in desktop window system, that "My Document" > "/my picture that path name. in IOS is it provide that path ? Im trouble, in iTunes, that "Apps", that "File Sharing>Apps" I can see that "app" > create that app folder and files document.. is it IOS directory is "File Sharing\app1\... "File Sharing\app2\... "File Sharing\app3\... "File Sharing\app4\... ..etc...? if correct, I want to copy all file's from "File Sharing", include any installed app that file/documents. how to handle I need? any advice please!
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Windows <> IOS

IOS files are stored by application not in a user maintainable file structure like Windows.

Why don't you try stating, very simply, what you are trying to do?
  • Continue this... how to "app2" access, used "app1" file's. Is it, for each app's, that "app1 document folder is unique "File Sharing\app1\file\...." that "app2 document folder is unique "File Sharing\app2\file\...." that "app3 document folder is unique "File Sharing\app3\file\...." if need "app2" used "app1" document file's, how to open it? is look can not. but found that "Picture/Camera" folder is share to any app's, is special folder? trouble...
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  • Continue this... how to "app2" access, used "app1" file's. Is it, for each app's, that "app1 document folder is unique "File Sharing\app1\file\...." that "app2 document folder is unique "File Sharing\app2\file\...." that "app3 document folder is unique "File Sharing\app3\file\...." if need "app2" used "app1" document file's, how to open it? is look can not. but found that "Picture/Camera" folder is share to any app's, is special folder? trouble...

Due to the design by Apple, apps cannot share data/files. This is called "sandboxing" and is for security. If an app can't share data, then a virus cannot spread or files get corrupted.

The Photos app is designed differently, in that you CAN access it with your computer. Again, this design is on purpose by Apple so you can access the photos on the iPad easily with a computer.

Most apps now, that have files, can take advantage of the "open in" function Apple designed. This is so you can be in one app and "open" the file in another. This is the only way for apps to share between each other. If there is no "open in" function in one app, another app cannot/will not be able to use the file. And, when a file is opened in another app, a copy is actually being made in the new app; the original is in the old app.

An iPad is completely different from a computer. It is app-centric while computers are file-centric. There is no central storage point (or address to follow) for apps to share files.

Hope this help clarifies.

thanks, but still trouble...sorry. is it everything app's create that app_owner document's folder/ and that app files store that folder? if need mix that file's/document to "RAR.ZIP that package, how to handle this I need? maybe single .ZIP file 3-4 more app create file's. also Is it accept I create new "ShareAllAppsDocuemnt" folder, like that "Photos", everything apps can access that. cheers!
 If possible: please changed that topic "app2 can access/read/save app1 that document's?"
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thanks, but still trouble...sorry. is it everything app's create that app_owner document's folder/ and that app files store that folder? if need mix that file's/document to "RAR.ZIP that package, how to handle this I need? maybe single .ZIP file 3-4 more app create file's. also Is it accept I create new "ShareAllAppsDocuemnt" folder, like that "Photos", everything apps can access that. cheers!
 If possible: please changed that topic "app2 can access/read/save app1 that document's?"

Again - a stock iPad and its apps cannot share files. There is no folder in an app that is accessible to another app like Photos. There is nothing, on a stock iPad, that will allow you to create a folder that all apps can access.

To open a file in another app, you must use the "open in" function (if that app's developers have designed the app to include that function). There is no central file to "share all. "

Maybe if you explained what you are trying to do, exactly, we can help with that?


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