Hi there,
I hope someone here might have some ideas or suggestions.
I currently have FaceTime setup on my iPad 2 using my normal appleID, but have just recently upgraded our iMac from Leopard to Snow leopard, and have added FaceTime to that computer as well. So my question is this: If I want to avoid confusion with which device is called when someone calls us using FaceTime, what is the best way to distinguish the devices? Should I try to use a different email address to reach the iMac? Is there a best-known-method for this?
I have FaceTime setup on my iPhone 4S as well, and know it is not a concern because any FaceTime conversions there are determined by its phone number.
But I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around how to distinguish a device if it's still solely based off my appleID/email address.