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Finally I can ditch Itunes!!


iPF Noob
I convert my DVD box sets i bought to watch on my Ipad in bed or when i work offshore (cause thats why i bought an ipad). Yesterday, my pc took a huge dump and died on me. I bought a new one and set up itunes to put more films on for me going away..Now after about 2 hours in total to Apple customer service and them telling me thats how "Apple intends to proceed with its anti piracy"over the last 3 years with the same issues on ipod touch, I KNOW Apple feel that the customers are lucky to have Apple..but I feel that yes, I am quite lucky to own such amazing hardware but at the same time, i hate being forced to use it in the way someone who i neither know or care aboout wants me to use it. If I got it free, then fine, I'll follow your rules but i didnt, so why cant I hook my ipad up without having to delete my content? I didnt buy it from Apple. I bought my box sets ages ago and I'm not about to pay twice for something i already own.

Anyway, when i asked about this at work, about 12 of my rig friends told me to use the PC program they use. Its called "Imtoo Ipad to PC transfer portable". I bought it, installed it and guess what? You can drag and drop TV shows, music and apps from your iphone or Ipad onto the desktop or any other folder. So I'm using that now. Itunes is a pain in the butt. Its only good for the apple fans who will no doubt sing Apples praises in 10 years when Apple allows this but for now, I get the hardware i want and all the TV shows and films I want, when i want and how I want. *shakes head*...People telling me how they want me to use their products...silly.
Isn't iTunes match only for music? I think they want you to subscribe to it after a time too. Seems like more messing about and downloading and reading small print when that program I bought does it with a more user friendly interface. iTunes makes me nervous.
kingpiinx said:
Isn't iTunes match only for music? I think they want you to subscribe to it after a time too. Seems like more messing about and downloading and reading small print when that program I bought does it with a more user friendly interface. iTunes makes me nervous.

Agreed, iTunes makes me nervous also, and I just don't trust it. Every media I have I still store as a back up on my desktop pc. Also hate the idea that apple kinda forces you to use it.
A few months ago I upgrade my OS to 5 on my iPhone. Did all iTunes asked and still somehow managed to lose all my media and purchased apps. Probably did something wrong, but even though I was being extra carefully , it didn't work for me.

Saying that I still think the iPhone and my iPad are amazing, both in software and hardware. Just hate iTunes with a passion :-)
apple really does NEED to re-examine how they force this issue on thier customer base... i too have tons of movies and music i PURCHASED that was not from apple... there has to be way to make itunes EASILY work this type of legal content without having to resort to NON apple software
As a coder, sometimes I just don't get how a company like Apple with all it's might, can not get something better. and if you can't why not outsource it ? , im sure they know that many ppl don't like it.
Well, this software mentioned by the OP does not solve any of the problems as it still requires iTunes to operate, and it cannot do anything that you cannot do with iTunes. So I don't know why you would spend money on it. The tone of the post sounds suspiciously like marketing.
You think? That never happens on forums does it? Wish I could find a real viable method to do what is represented in the OP.
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Well, this software mentioned by the OP does not solve any of the problems as it still requires iTunes to operate, and it cannot do anything that you cannot do with iTunes. So I don't know why you would spend money on it. The tone of the post sounds suspiciously like marketing.

Erm no you don't that's the whole point of the massive range of iTune replacements, some say they need iTunes but most in reality like IMTOO do not.
All you need to do is install the drivers another app I used supplied a link to them (at work typing this so do not have it to hand).

I had iTunes many years ago back with the first iPod Shuffle, found it so over controlling that I ditched it never to look back.
awarner said:
Erm no you don't that's the whole point of the massive range of iTune replacements, some say they need iTunes but most in reality like IMTOO do not.
All you need to do is install the drivers another app I used supplied a link to them (at work typing this so do not have it to hand).

I had iTunes many years ago back with the first iPod Shuffle, found it so over controlling that I ditched it never to look back.

Ok, so you don't need iTunes - only the guts of the iTunes application so that this software can be used with more limitations than what you can do with iTunes. Just because you hate iTunes that is free and would rather spend money so you can do less. Ok, got it.

Btw IMTOO says right in the FAQ that it needs iTunes.

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