iPF Noob
I just found this site after googling for help on how to do something on youtube w/ my ipad, and I love this place b/c I finally found it! My 16 yr old informed me last year that I needed to get rid of my cell phone from the 1700's, so I did and bought my 1st iphone last year, lol. I became completely addicted to it & blown away at how far the technology has come! Omg, I didnt even have a one until 4 yrs ago! I hated them, but got a plain old phone...it called and texted, thats it. lol I never thought this whole iphone/smartphone thingy was any big deal so didnt care or know much about it. For a few years I wished someone would event a cell phone that was a mini computer too and that I'd like! I couldnt wait til someone invented it - when Apple came out with the iphone, I totally missed it! Hahaha So I finally realized what I was missing and the kids dragged me to the store and I got the iphone 3, haha. Not sure I'm ready to get the 4 because I always think - " ohhh, it cant be that much of a difference from what I have already, I'll wait and see." Meanwhile, my behind the times, living in the dark ages self, finally tried another cool invention that TOTALLY passed me by and its called, the Apple iPad and its why I now have this site to help me with all kinds of stuff!! I'm so happy and just have to post since I now know how to do that too! 
Ok, So my husband gets an ipad for free about 2-3 months ago from a client as a business gift. He Brings it home where I, yet again, didnt know what one was, didnt care, so the kids took it. lol I'm way too out of the loop w/ all this new stuff that comes out, its crazy! lol when i learned a little about it, I didnt think it could be as fun or advanced as my iphone....At first I actually thought it was like a word processor to just write stuff and save it....omg, I'm such a Mom! Hahaha So decided a couple weeks ago to check it out, see what this ipad thing was...and now I'm in love! Its so fun and I'll keep up w/ new things from now on, thats for sure! I cant wait for texting & calling on this either and really hope they at least add 1 of those! Anyway, I needed some help w/ learning how to do some ipad things, havent had any luck on googled, but somehow stumbled here and finally found what I was looking for! I know I'm wayyy too hyper and happy about this, suffering from a little Diarrhea of the mouth probably too, but I finally have a freakin answer to a freakin question I've been searching for going on 2 days now! LOL thanks! I suck at that holding ur finger down for the bubble thingy so you can scroll, so ignore all my mistakes too haha

Ok, So my husband gets an ipad for free about 2-3 months ago from a client as a business gift. He Brings it home where I, yet again, didnt know what one was, didnt care, so the kids took it. lol I'm way too out of the loop w/ all this new stuff that comes out, its crazy! lol when i learned a little about it, I didnt think it could be as fun or advanced as my iphone....At first I actually thought it was like a word processor to just write stuff and save it....omg, I'm such a Mom! Hahaha So decided a couple weeks ago to check it out, see what this ipad thing was...and now I'm in love! Its so fun and I'll keep up w/ new things from now on, thats for sure! I cant wait for texting & calling on this either and really hope they at least add 1 of those! Anyway, I needed some help w/ learning how to do some ipad things, havent had any luck on googled, but somehow stumbled here and finally found what I was looking for! I know I'm wayyy too hyper and happy about this, suffering from a little Diarrhea of the mouth probably too, but I finally have a freakin answer to a freakin question I've been searching for going on 2 days now! LOL thanks! I suck at that holding ur finger down for the bubble thingy so you can scroll, so ignore all my mistakes too haha