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Find my iPad app withou mobileme account?


iPF Noob
Hi all,

I have an apple ID which I use for purchases in the App store and to which I register my devices, including the iPad. It consists of a single word username (not an email address). I do not have a mobile me account.

I've downloaded 'Find my iPad' from the App store, but whenever I enter my Apple ID, it will automatically add '@me.com' to it, which is incorrect in my case! Is there any way tot make it stop doing that? Or is a mobile me account (which I can no longer obtain) absolutely necessary for this app?

If so, is there any equivalent which won't require a mobile me account? Something like Prey perhaps?

Thanks for your advice.

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You make an interesting point here. Have you tried completing the registration process - i.e. accepting the 'me.com' address and see 'what happens'? Do you actually need the email address to be able to activate the FindMyPad service or is that just the account name?

But Apple are not issuing me.com email addresses any longer. So I was wondering what would happen if the OP completed the registration process. She's being prompted with a me.com domain when she tries to complete the FindMyPad registration process. Very strange...

I believe you just need to use a valid email address, but it does have to be the address you used in the MobileMe find my iPad setup on the iPad.

Sounds like Find My iPad was never set up either.

Alright, completing with the added 'me.com' results in an error, because not such username or Apple ID or email address exists.

I will try with a functional email address, which happens to be not an Apple ID, and will report back here.

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You should still be able to register for the free MobileMe account that is needed to make Find My iPHone work.

Free Find My iPhone: Frequently asked questions

I notice that when setting up the account the instructions say that you may need to verify the email address used with your Apple ID. I'd imagine that is done in your account settings. If I remember right (and that's a big if) it should say right next to your email if it's verified and offer a link to do so.

This is all a big guess, so if I'm sending you on a wild goose chase, sorry.
You're right. I can register any email address as my local free mobileme account on this device, for use with Find my iPad. However, I cannot use my rather odd Apple ID, simply because it isn't in itself an email address.

So, if I use my email address for this, will it be ok just as is? Or do I need to make a new Apple ID out of it first?(that is somethingbI would rather not do)

Also, is there any problem with the device being registered to an ID that is not actually used to find it?

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I don't know (to all the questions).

If it were me I'd start with adding and verifying an email account. That would be the ideal solution and is least likely to cause problems down the road. After that, maybe a call to Apples customer support if no one else comes up with a better idea or source of info.
Alrlight, turns out the email address needs to be in use as an Apple ID before I can use it as free mobileme.

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The equivalent should be the LostAndFound Mobile App. You can pick it up at EDITED And it is free!

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The equivalent should be the LostAndFound.com Mobile App. You can pick it up at EDITED And it is free!

The only links allowed in an app announcement are a direct link to the app in the AppStore and/or a YouTube video showing the app operation.

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