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first entry, new member, many questions


iPF Noob
hello to all.
i have had an ipad (1st generation) for nearly two years and love it. recently it has begun to get a bit slow and certain favorite applications crash rather frequently (especially embedded videos on zite for example). i'm told that this is because the newer updates for my applications are too taxing for the older processor. something about increased graphics...

i'm guessing there's no going back to the older app versions (even though their updating was optional) and i've since ceased updating anything ( i'm even on OS 4.35-- i never went to 5 because i read about battery issues and later when i tried synching to my pc it also halted) and it's just as well because there are apps that require 5.0 and IOS that i would like to have

HOWEVER, and herein are my questions: i would like to divide my applications; repurposing my original ipad for certain rudimentary apps (dictionary, note taking, etc.) and use it next to my pc as a handy near-my-desktop device while migrating my other more complex apps (talkatone, zite, anything video etc) to a newer ipad, either new or used (an ipad 2 for example). Can I do that? Essentially I will have two independent devices with separate (or the same?) id or screen names on both. And can I run apps on both that are the same (ie. could i use the more complex apps that i purchased, Garage Band, Brushes, Words with Friends) on either machine, whichever handy, or even just WWF since the game is "in the cloud" note, wwf is one of the apps that crashes a lot, so i probably wouldn't want to have it on both anyway, i'm just asking if it's possible-- isn't there something about running things on 5 devices)? AND MOST IMPORTANT, can i move my talkatone phone number to the newer ipad, or even keep it on both?

NOTE: if this is too difficult/impossible, i would be fine moving everything to the newer machine, but i'd like to keep all my settings/data etc. then i could always reset the first one as a blank/fresh machine for the simple functions i mentioned earlier.)

My recommendation is to make a backup of the iPad1. Then, when you get the new iPad and you are setting it up with iTunes - when you are offered the chance, set the new iPad up from the backup of the iPad1. This will make the new iPad mirror the iPad1 in that you will have the same data, settings, etc.

Then, if I may be so bold, I'd recommend upgrading that iPad1 to the newest iOS it can have (iOS 5.1.1). Then, you can put the "by the computer" stuff you want on it.

This way, you'll have the best of both worlds - a newer iPad to take over for the RAM-intensive apps you want and the older to handle the generic stuff. From all that I've heard (and from personal experience), the iPad1 works fine on iOS 5.1.1. That may very well be the best iOS for that iPad...

Hope some of this helps.


EDITED TO ADD: I deleted your other post on this same topic. Not only do duplicate posts fragment the conversation and make it difficult to follow - it's also against our rules. Please make any responses or updates to this thread only. Thanks.
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