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First iPad "HD" games already in iTunes preview...


iPF Noob
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score

Ammoin HD
Azkend HD
Flight Control HD
Grind HD
HD Recovery
Labyrinth 2 HD
NBA Hotshot HD
NBA Spin
Numba HD
Plants vs. Zombies HD
Sinterra HD
Sparkle HD
Worms HD
Zen Bound 2

I already have Plants vs Zombies on the iPhone and I love that game... but having to buy it all over again just for a resolution bump? Ugh... I guess I better get used to that.

Ammoin HD
Azkend HD
Flight Control HD
Grind HD
HD Recovery
Labyrinth 2 HD
NBA Hotshot HD
NBA Spin
Numba HD
Plants vs. Zombies HD
Sinterra HD
Sparkle HD
Worms HD
Zen Bound 2

I already have Plants vs Zombies on the iPhone and I love that game... but having to buy it all over again just for a resolution bump? Ugh... I guess I better get used to that.

Who said you would have to buy it again....or for full price...nothing has been announced...you may get the upgrade free or minus what you've already paid.
Who said you would have to buy it again....or for full price...nothing has been announced...you may get the upgrade free or minus what you've already paid.

If there is a way for them to logistically handle that. I haven't seen anything in the SDK that would make me believe there is the ability to handle that. I can't imagine people not charging more for iPad ports of certain apps, especially if it is a totally different interface that takes advantage of the new screen real estate. But it will take me a little while to swallow the pill of having to repay for some apps IF the only thing different is a resolution bump. No bigs... it is what I expected... just something I'll have to get used to.
Who said you would have to buy it again....or for full price...nothing has been announced...you may get the upgrade free or minus what you've already paid.

If there is a way for them to logistically handle that. I haven't seen anything in the SDK that would make me believe there is the ability to handle that. I can't imagine people not charging more for iPad ports of certain apps, especially if it is a totally different interface that takes advantage of the new screen real estate. But it will take me a little while to swallow the pill of having to repay for some apps IF the only thing different is a resolution bump. No bigs... it is what I expected... just something I'll have to get used to.

I think there will be a lot more than just res bump...interface enhancements and better graphics/textures/animation should make it worth paying a couple bucks again. I really don't want to have to play $30 again for Slingplayer tho when they make a more advanced version.
If there is a way for them to logistically handle that. I haven't seen anything in the SDK that would make me believe there is the ability to handle that. I can't imagine people not charging more for iPad ports of certain apps, especially if it is a totally different interface that takes advantage of the new screen real estate. But it will take me a little while to swallow the pill of having to repay for some apps IF the only thing different is a resolution bump. No bigs... it is what I expected... just something I'll have to get used to.
Some developers are going to turn their current iPhone paid apps into universal apps. By doing this, those that already own the iPhone version automatically get the iPad version for free. I wouldn't be surprised if some developers use the in app purchase feature to let existing users buy the iPad version for a discount.

The developer of Instapaper is planning on using the method I described. Link
Instapaper Pro will be a universal iPhone/iPad application. That means that you only have to buy Instapaper Pro once to have it on both devices, and the iPad edition will be available to all Pro purchasers at no additional charge when it’s released.

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