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First There Was iCade for iOS, Now There Comes iCade Jr., iCade Mobile and iCade Core


iPadForums News Team

MacRumors reports that following on from the success of ION Audio’s iPad iCade arcade cabinet, which was initially inspired by an April Fool’s joke on ThinkGeek, the company has now decided to branch out with three new iOS gaming accessories.

First up we have the iCade Core, which is a more basic version of the original iCade model, and which is compatible with the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. As with the first iCade, the iCade Core enables you to play iOS games as if they were arcade games, with an arcade-style joystick and buttons. The system works via Bluetooth, but the unit also has a 30-pin connector so that you can charge at the same time as playing games. No price for this as yet.

Next comes the iCade Mobile, which is designed to fit around an iPhone or iPod touch, and which makes your iOS device look and feel more like a PSP or Nintendo DS. The iCade Mobile also uses Bluetooth to work, and boasts a swiveling portrait or landscape view. It will set you back $79.99 this spring.

Finally, we have the iCade Jr., which, as you might expect, is a smaller version of the first iCade. You can only use your iPhone or iPod touch with this one, as it’s too small for the iPad of course. Basically, it looks and plays just like a mini arcade cabinet. The iCade Jr. also has a dock connector and works via Bluetooth. You’ll be able to pick this up in the spring for $49.

"iCade Core retains the action-packed excitement of real arcade-style control from the original iCade, while being incredibly easy to take just about anywhere," said Fred Galpern, Brand Manager, ION Audio. "iCade Core is just about the most fun you can have with an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch."

If you want to check out the goodies yourself, you can find them at the ION Audio stand #12442 at CES in Las Vegas from January 10-13.

Source: CES 2012: iCade iOS Game Controller Expands to iCade Jr., iCade Mobile, and iCade Core - Mac Rumors, ION Audio, iCade cuts the fat for CES, introduces handheld brother (update: video and iCade Jr.) -- Engadget.

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