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Flip videos to Ipad??


iPF Noob
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I can't download my Flip Videos to my Ipad2..I have tried all the ideas I have read to no avail! A powered USB hub, A Mac usb Extension Cable, I have a 3rd gen Flip Ultra HD...

Please Help


That's odd, I have the 3rd Generation 8gb Flip Ultra HD and can transfer them directly to my IPad 2 without too many problems, sometimes, but not often, I have to do a reset ( power & home button ) just before I plug the flip into the camera kit, and also I sometimes I have to plug in and unplug the flip once or twice for the IPad 2 to see it. I didn't get the apple camera kit but got a cheap one for £4 from Amazon... I expected it not to work after reading forums but has worked like a charm most of the time.
I would recommend you to try this.., connect the flip directly to the Ipad2 via the usb dongle the footage that should show up on the screen. And then transfer to the Ipad2. I hope this helps, thanks.

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