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Flipboard Gets Instagram Photo Sharing With New Update


iPadForums News Team

Incredibly popular social networking iPad app Flipboard has had a big update today, which includes full Instagram integration so that you can browse through pictures as though you were looking through a photo album via the popular photo sharing network. Social Search is another new feature, where you can search, via Add a Section, across your social networks and blogs, as well as Flickr, by entering hashtags and other specific terms, and you can even use it to follow conversations on Twitter now.

Other tweaks include a much faster loading time, a cleaner layout, a much-needed refresh button on the Contents page, and the addition of a general Settings page.

If you haven’t already checked out Flipboard then now would be a great time as it certainly seems as if any minor niggles in this already great app have been well and truly ironed out, making it even more of a dream than before to use!

Click here to download Flipboard for free: Flipboard for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: MacStories Flipboard 1.2 Is Out: Instagram Integration, Faster, Search, App Store, Flipboard
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