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Folders did not sync


iPF Noob
When I did a "Restore from Backup" from my computer to the New iPad, I found that the folder structures from my previous iPad did not transfer over.
All apps came over individually, causing me to spend hours reorganizing hundreds of apps into new folders. Did anyone else experience this, and does
anyone know how this could have been prevented?
I have read that if you do another "restore from backup" right after the first one, that will finish the job and your apps will be in folders. I've not done this myself, nor, obviously, can you do it either. Maybe for next time ... ?

I've been syncing all photos to the ipad and although all photos transfer only the first level folders transfer...eg "Ava" folder transfers, but "Ava 1-2yrs" doesn't, so I now have loads of loose photos spread scorss about 4 folders....useless. I'm not a very profficient iPad user, so there's probably an easy fix (I'm an optimistic person) so am hoping one of you can show me the way!
MsChill said:
I've been syncing all photos to the ipad and although all photos transfer only the first level folders transfer...eg "Ava" folder transfers, but "Ava 1-2yrs" doesn't, so I now have loads of loose photos spread scorss about 4 folders....useless. I'm not a very profficient iPad user, so there's probably an easy fix (I'm an optimistic person) so am hoping one of you can show me the way!

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Have a look at this tutorial on syncing photos to your iPad

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