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Folders in google docs and the iPad


iPF Noob
Is there a way to have folders uploaded to google docs from my desktop to be accessible by iPad? I'm not finding a way to do this. Everything uploaded is viewable but just in a big list.
If you are accessing Google Doc via the mobile site, or through the Google Search app:

Tap the Narrow by menu item and choose Collections. You folders/collections should be listed. Tap the name of the collection to see only those files in that collection/folder.

To go back to the All view tap the Clear link at the top right of the list, in the yellow bar.
BTW, while switching the the desktop site for editing documents does not work well, I found it was possible to use the Desktop site to create collections/folders and move files in and out of them.

I had to reload the site to get back to the mobile version.

I discovered this because I needed to create a collection to test what I could do. I only have four files (don't use Google Docs much), and have not needed to organize them.

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