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Folders in latest VLC


iPF Noob
In the latest VLC which has folder creation facility, how do I - 1/ Create and name a new folder 2/Direct files from DropBox into that folder? TIA
To create a folder, tap the Edit in the top right, then click the folder icon in the bottom left. It will offer you a new folder and for you to name it.

Download your file using the Dropbox option. Once in your file system, click the Edit, select the file you want to move, click the folder icon at the bottom, click the folder you want to move it to.

The move to folder instructions appear inside the empty folder once created.

I agree, the process is not intuitive to start with.
Thanks heaps dh. However as far as I know there is no facility to play continuously consecutive files in an audiobook. But wouldn't this facility be required/desirable with music files? Do the mp3 files of an audiobook need to be in their own playlist with the book title as a playlist name. Colour me confused.....
Thanks heaps dh. However as far as I know there is no facility to play continuously consecutive files in an audiobook. But wouldn't this facility be required/desirable with music files? Do the mp3 files of an audiobook need to be in their own playlist with the book title as a playlist name. Colour me confused.....

Apparently, each folder doubles as a playlist - not sure if that helps. Don't know too much about audiobooks, nor have I used VLC extensively.

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