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forwarded email problems?


iPF Noob
Hi everyone,

Just bought my first ipad and I love it! However one problem I have discovered relates to forwarded email on the mail app. .

I receive mail forwarded from "Person A", and then I need to forward that same email on to "Person B" with my own added commentary and without the oriignal commentary of "Person A" included. I also want any reference to Person A having sent me the email in the first place to be deleted.

This is easy on my laptop, however I have found that on the IPAD, I can't seem to delete the message that Person A included with his email, nor the "footprint" that shows that Person A sent me the email on Jan. 1, 2011 from his email address.

Are you guys aware of any issues with deleting the content of forwarded emails, and if so, is there a fix or a workaround?

Any answers would be GREATLY appreciated and would help me immensely.

thank you,
If you tap and hold over the section you want to delete in the forwarded email you will get a popup menu. Choose Select, then drag the selection handles to include those portions of the email you wish to delete and choose Cut.

You can not remove the lines that show it's been quoted twice, but you can remove the other person's comments and the email header information that was copied to the body of the email.

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