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Free ibooks for jailbroken ipad?

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iPF Noob
I just jailbroke my ipad 3.2.2 yesterday with no problems. I was wondering if anyone knows how to download ibooks for free on a jailbroken ipad??

Also, does anyone know what winterboard themes will allow you to create folders for apps??

iBooks is a free application available right in the Apple App Store whether you are jailbroken or not. Go to the App Store, look up iBooks, and install it.

iBooks is a free application available right in the Apple App Store whether you are jailbroken or not. Go to the App Store, look up iBooks, and install it.



I just jailbroke my ipad 3.2.2 yesterday with no problems. I was wondering if anyone knows how to download ibooks for free on a jailbroken ipad??

Also, does anyone know what winterboard themes will allow you to create folders for apps??


"Categories" from the Cydia store will allow you to create folders. I believe Winterboard just dresses them up and make them nice.

It's Piracy we don't talk about or allow. Though you may not have much privacy here either. LOL
Thanks for telling me about categories! I will install that! That is exactly what I wanted.

I should have been more clear about ibooks... I meant the actual books not the app. I know there is a way to download paid app store apps for free if your ipad is jailbroken, but I didn't know if there was a way to do the same for books.

I just read the hacking forum rules, and now understand a bit better the difference between hacking and piracy.

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Ahem! Now that you understand the rules....

If you download the 99¢ GoodReader app from the App Store, you will find links within the app to several content providers, both free and paid. One of the largest repositories of free books is called Project Gutenberg and has over 33,000 titles that are in the public domain.
I just jailbroke my ipad 3.2.2 yesterday with no problems. I was wondering if anyone knows how to download ibooks for free on a jailbroken ipad??

Also, does anyone know what winterboard themes will allow you to create folders for apps??


"Categories" from the Cydia store will allow you to create folders. I believe Winterboard just dresses them up and make them nice.

It's Piracy we don't talk about or allow. Though you may not have much privacy here either. LOL

Oops. Gotta love spelling errors like that. LOL!!!!!!!! :D

Marie made me do it. <_< >_>

Here is a free one that a good friend of mine made. His name is Steven Lake and his books are quite good. They are Sci-Fi.

http://www.realmsofimagination.net/the_oort_perimeter/ - The Oort Perimeter. Click on the ePub link below.

It is a VERY excellent book IMHO. Hope that you enjoy.
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One thing to look out for in Categories is folders within folders. Create the category in the first level, with all the rest, use add to put what you want into it, RESPRING, then go into the directory you want to put it in, click ADD and then click on the directory you just created, and it will move it there as a sub-directory. Also download SBtoggles if you haven't already, when you open it click on the DOCKS button and add CATEGORIES, CYDIA, BACKGROUNDER,and PKGBACKUP to the dock in Categories. Why? Because if categories or pretty much anything crashes, you will have the most important items available on the SBToggles Dock. I learned the hard way. I was trying to make a sub-directory the wrong way and my TOOLS folder disappeared with all of the above packages and more. Luckily I had put CATEGORIES on the SBToggles Dock and was able to recreate the TOOLS directory.

Good Luck

Ooooh, now I got you. You want to download paid ebooks for free.
I have a much better idea for you:
Why don't you go to your local bookstore and just do some shoplifting?
Then, while you're at it, steal a few handbags from some old ladies, maybe some poor kids' allowance as well.

What's the difference between that and stealing software? None! Both are theft.
Stealing software is just a bit more cowardly because you don't need to show your face.
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