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Free memory going down day by day


iPF Novice
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everyone, like the title says my ipad memory is going down day by day. Freshly jailbroken (ios 5.0.1 ipad1) it had about 115MB with no apps running but sometimes it reached 130, as soon as i installed cydia tweaks of course the free memory was less but as soon as i installed all i needed it was about 100Mb but now day by day without me installing anything at all, no app store apps, no cydia apps my free memory is going down, now without any apps running on background or even in multitasking bar i have about 50 Mb if i try to go to sbsettings and then proccesses and thefree mem while a while ago it worked now it stays the same, should i restore or there's a way to fix this or even if i restore i'd get the same problem? Thanks
As you have seen, when you install tweaks, they end up running in the background (specifically, those items that use/require Mobile Substrate). Each tweak, taken alone, only uses up a bit of RAM. However, the more you put on the iPad, the more your RAM will "suffer."

Unfortunately, that is the way the iPad is. We only get 512mb of RAM. The only true solution is to remove all tweaks - but then what's the point of jailbreaking, yeah?

Have you tried a reboot, lately? Close all your apps, do the remove background/close processes thing in SBSettings and then use the SBSettings "Power" button to do a reboot. That may help it.

Or, if you want to run a RAM-hogging app, such as a game, may I suggest you put the iPad into Safe Mode to play. This shuts down all your JB'd tweaks, thus freeing up as much RAM as the iPad1 can. Then, when you are done, respring to start your Cydia tweaks up again.

Ultimately, there is nothing you can do. It is a daily battle to keep RAM up, if that's what you want. However, if it is not affecting your iPad performance (e.g. apps crashing all the time), then it's really nothing to worry about. The iPad will do a very good job on its own of managing RAM. Overall, the only solution to get more RAM is to remove Cydia tweaks. Sorry.

Hope some of this reassures (you aren't alone with the small RAM problem - all us iPad1 JBers face the same limitations).

Thanks for helping me with this, unfortunately i've alredy tried booting, safe mode etc. but nothing worked. I noticed this problem when my cousin was playing with my ipad, he bought a game (cod black ops zombies) and it wouldn't start while in normal mode, it would just crash so i tried rebooting but nothing so i tried safe mode and afterr 1 or two crashes it would work, although i have installed no tweaks since then i noticed that now it won't start not even after rebooting and then instantly safe mode with no apps in background, it appears that i'm losing the little ram i have day by day without installing any tweaks.

With winterboard installed and a theme just a week ago i had about 100-110 mb left with no apps, now i uninstalled winterboard and i have a little over 60, should i restore?

Thank you

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