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Frustating try to downgrade ipad2 from 4.3.4 to 4.3.3

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Well it just goes to show you how fast things change in the jailbreak world. As of now there IS a method to downgrade an iPad2 3G model, provided it has saved blobs, using the newly released TinyUmbrella update. This is great news for anyone who is forced to restore their iPad2 for some reason.

See the post here for more information - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24323-shsh-blobs-frequently-asked-questions-3.html#post275563

i don't usually congest a thread with "thank you" posts, but Thank You for bumping into this.
Take the iPad back and get another one that is on4.3.3 if it not very old. I would guess most iPads on the store shelf are at 4.3.3 or lower.
biller007 said:
Take the iPad back and get another one that is on4.3.3 if it not very old. I would guess most iPads on the store shelf are at 4.3.3 or lower.

Take it back because you can't JB it?........seriously?

The Archangel

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