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Game centre canada


iPF Noob
Aug 8, 2010
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Anyone else having problems logging into game centre from Canada? I sign in using my appleID and password, same ones that work at iStore, but then game centre asks me to confirm Region and full birthdate. Although I enter the same info that can be found under my account at iTunes Game Center keeps cycling back to Region and auto populates United States. This doesn't jive with my true setting of Canada and around and around we go, never being able to get into Game Centre. Anyone else have this prob or suggest a fix? Cheers.
My father had similar issue on his iphone 3GS. After the update to 4.2 he tried to sign in to game center for the first time and it cycled from region to birthday and back to region, over and over.

His region is US tho, not sure if it is same issue or not.

After I logged on to game center from my 4.2.1 iPad with his apple ID, signed out, and then signed in to his iPhone, it worked.

The iPad displayed a terms of use dialog that wouldn't come up on the iPhone 3GS.

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