Thank you for sending me to site for games however safari won't download and since I am not familiar with my new iPad don't quite know how to use it sorry senior here not too tech savvy.
Only games from the App Store can be downloaded to your iPad. Go to the App Store, press the Featured tab along the bottom of the page and you will see the categories at the top, press Games and you will get an option box with all the genres. Just go through them and select what you like.......You can also press the Top Charts tab, at the bottom, when the page loads, you will see Categories tab (top left) press this, and you will get an option box with the different categories, press Games and you will be given lists of the top games out now. Paid, Free and Top Grossing.
When you select an will give you info on the game itself. If you opt to purchase it, you will be asked your password for your Apple ID before downloading begins. This is for all apps regardless if they are paid or free. Be aware that once you have input your password that it will stay active for 15 minutes and you can download many apps in this timeframe without having to input your password again.
I hope this helps......below you will find a lot of good info to help you understand your iPad better and have you well on your way! Enjoy!
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