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Garage Band for iPad


iPF Noob
Hi all,
Just got an iPad (not iPad2). Main interest is to use Garage Band while travelling. Downloaded it and it works well on this machine (contrary to the advice i received in the store).
I have a question.
1) just made a simple song using GB. How do i transfer the individual tracks to a computer for further processing. These tracks are midi files as i understand it.

Kind regards
select track view, my songs, send to itunes (you can choose between aac audio file or garage band file to open it in Garage band on Nac) or email song (this will render it to m4a)

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
Many thanks for your quick reply. I was rather hoping i could retrieve the midi tracks as separate files. Seems that is not possible. Oh well..... :-)
garage band is not midi. You can use the file as multitrack in Mac Garage band or Logic studio

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
Does any one know of a way to recover or restore a deleted garage band file. I have the file saved elsewhere as an m4a file.

Help please?....

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