My wife owns a 1st gen iPad and we are experiencing some problems we cannot figure out. I am hoping I may find a solution to the problem by enrolling in the iPad forum. In the event someone may be able to point me in the right direction the problem is as follows: When entering text in the URL letters are sometimes dropped (don't show up when typed) and the result is the web link is dropped and we are placed back on the main apps screen or desktop if you will. I have tried using both the 2.4 and 5g options for my wireless router (a Netgear N600 Dual Band Wireless Router, model WNDR3400v2) and each seem to function well. I mention this because I initially sought some help on the internet and one of the links I accessed had changing from 2.4g to 5g which might help but they both seem to function equally well with a strong signal and no obvious problems. The OS is current (5.1.1) and that was one thing someone mentioned could be a root cause. The last option I read was to go into Safari and delete the history and cookies but it did not seem to help. If it did I can't tell. Why the iPad drops the internet link when trying to input a URL address is beyond my comprehension level. We bought this iPad when they first came out and ours is the WiFi 16g model, the base model. Once my wife (who is the primary user) told me she was getting knocked off the internet I tried inputting a URL address myself just to see what would happen. Part way through my entry the iPad suddenly dropped me back to the main screen. I attempted to input my URL address several times before I finally got in. Once there I started surfing through some of the links and, Wham, back to the main screen again. After this happened at least 3 times in a row I gave it up and started looking for some here I am.