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General Browsing Question.


iPF Noob
I have question for those of you with a little more experience browsing on your ipads.

Recently I went to a real estate site to do a search. I had been on the site before, and familiar with the search engine.

I realized i had a problem when I was selecting my various choices. I could not scroll down in the various search criteria. For example, I could not select among various neighborhood, except for the first few choices in the box, or various home styles. Each selection in these boxes was a selection button. I did notice that the square feet option, a drop box, did work.

Is this a browser issue? Would another browser work on this website? fyi, it does this in Safari & in Skyfire.

Here is the website if your curious.


Thanks for your replies,

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I tried 360, Atomic and Perfect browser's with no success. They don't appear to be using Flash, so I guess they don't have any settings for mobile devices in their web site program.
When you're not offered a drop-down box (say, for price in this example), you can use two-finger scroll to move around within the selection. Just put two fingers on the glass within the box and move up or down (it helps, on a small box, to zoom in first).

I was able to go through Area, for example, all the way to Wears Valley using this method.

Hope that helps (and is clear enough). Post again if this doesn't work for you.


P.S. Note that this two-finger method works in both Safari and Atomic Web browser. Just a function of how the iPad works with input windows...
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When you're not offered a drop-down box (say, for price in this example), you can use two-finger scroll to move around within the selection. Just put two fingers on the glass within the box and move up or down (it helps, on a small box, to zoom in first).

I was able to go through Area, for example, all the way to Wears Valley using this method.

Hope that helps (and is clear enough). Post again if this doesn't work for you.


P.S. Note that this two-finger method works in both Safari and Atomic Web browser. Just a function of how the iPad works with input windows...

Ah, Marilyn, my sweet, once again you fly in on angels wings to save me from myself! :D

Just to clarify though (we know how think I am), you mean place two fingers within the particular box and flick them upward or downward? Sacriligous as it may sound, I don't have my iPad with me at the moment... :eek:

Talk to ya soon!

Oh, I wish there was flicking (like in those drop-down windows on that site).

But no...

You have to hold the two fingers on the glass and then move them around while on the glass.

That's why I recommend zooming the box you want to two-finger scroll - it makes it easier to move around within the box (especially if you have large fingers, like me! :D)

Good luck.


P.S. W-h-a-t?!?!?!? You don't have your iPad with you?! We're going to have to kick you out of the club! Next, you'll probably admit you don't sleep with it under your pillow... The noive! :D
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