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Geo un-blocking


iPF Noob
Hello, I'm new around here but on the recommendation of your members I have downloaded iswifter. BUT . . . Some things I want to play are geoblocked because my ISP is outside the UK. Does anyone know how to unblock things? I can't honestly see my way to having a sensible conversation with TalkTalk about it. Thanks!
I don't really see how you can do anything about it. iSwifter uses remote servers to process the video and then feed it back to you, so you can't even re-direct the feed via a proxy/VPN. From their web site, it appears they are in California (USA), so I imagine that's why you get blocked while trying to watch a UK web site ... in the UK.

All I can suggest is e-mailing the iSwifter developers and see if there is a way they can help.

Sorry not to be of more assistance.


P.S. And, where are my manners! Welcome to the forum - good to "see" you and hope you enjoy your visit(s).
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