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getting e-mails on ipad2


iPF Noob
I have a new ipad2. I also have an apple desktop mac. I have tried with no
success to get e-mails on my ipad.:(
My provider is a minor player in this business
compared to the big guys.( magma.ca). I have contacted Apple with no success.
Too, took it back to Staples and they couldn't connect me either. Any solutions
for a complete newbie.....
Sign in with safari to there web sight and ask for there mail protocol

New mail using there protocol at other
I have a new ipad2. I also have an apple desktop mac. I have tried with no
success to get e-mails on my ipad.:(
My provider is a minor player in this business
compared to the big guys.( magma.ca). I have contacted Apple with no success.
Too, took it back to Staples and they couldn't connect me either. Any solutions
for a complete newbie.....

Hi KeyLargo - welcome to the forum! :) I'm confused, your name suggests the Florida Keys, the .CA California but assume Canada, and your sign-in Ontario - now where do you live and what ISP are you using? ;)

So, you have a minor Canadian ISP and cannot get the native iPad Mail App to work - correct? Well my first 'easy' choice would be to suggest obtaining a web-based mail client, such as Yahoo (or the others listed when setting up a new account in Mail) - works so quickly, BUT you may have a LOT of email already on your current ISP site - before I continue w/ suggestions (which involves obtaining the POP3 or IMAP plus the SMTP server names from you ISP), please respond to my first suggestion. Dave :)
Searching for magma.ca, it looks like a POP account is the only option. I don't like these much, but it can be done.

I can't help with the details, but go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose Add Account, Other, Add Mail Account. Use the instruction from their site at this link to mix and match the settings. You may have to set the account up, then go back in and edit it to get them all correct.

Primus Business Support - Magma Email Setup - Mac Mail

Anyway, that should work. To be sure I'd contact their support and ask. Especially ask if they have IMAP or Exchange server options, or plan to implement them soon.

Giradman's suggestion to get another account is also good. A Gmail account can be set up to check and import your old account's email, so that you don't miss anything. An iCloud email account offers a lot of extra integration between your Mac and iPad, so that should be considered as well.

Good luck.
OK, twerppoet, you see, like the iPad guru around here... Could you point me in the right direction? I just had to restore my iPad since it gave me the deadly black screen, but now I'm not able to set up my Yahoo email as I'd had before. Is there some SMTP, POP server thingamabob that I need to make sure reads a certain way?
I searched the forum, as I hate to post issues that are redundant, but didn't find anything. (Uh-oh, now it's dawning on me that perhaps I should go to Yahoo's settings... ?!)

Many thanks in advance! :-))
OK, twerppoet, you see, like the iPad guru around here... Could you point me in the right direction? I just had to restore my iPad since it gave me the deadly black screen, but now I'm not able to set up my Yahoo email as I'd had before. Is there some SMTP, POP server thingamabob that I need to make sure reads a certain way?
I searched the forum, as I hate to post issues that are redundant, but didn't find anything. (Uh-oh, now it's dawning on me that perhaps I should go to Yahoo's settings... ?!)

Many thanks in advance! :-))

(Oops, that should read: "you SEEM like the iPad Guru..."!!!)
OK, twerppoet, you see, like the iPad guru around here... Could you point me in the right direction? I just had to restore my iPad since it gave me the deadly black screen, but now I'm not able to set up my Yahoo email as I'd had before. Is there some SMTP, POP server thingamabob that I need to make sure reads a certain way?
I searched the forum, as I hate to post issues that are redundant, but didn't find anything. (Uh-oh, now it's dawning on me that perhaps I should go to Yahoo's settings... ?!)

Many thanks in advance! :-))

For personal accounts directly from Yahoo the setup should be pretty automatic. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account and choose the Yahoo option. The only thing you should need to enter is your email address and password. If you've got an indirect account through some other ISP, then you'll probably need to look at their support site on how to set it up.

In the past, Yahoo has been erratic authenticating accounts. I was under the impression (from lack of new complaints) that they had mostly fixed that. However, if they are having problems all you can do is try again later. Delete the not-working account and try adding it again.

Alternately you can use the Yahoo Mail app from the App Store. In some ways this is a better app. It gives you better control over your Spam/Junk and Trash folders You can use that in the mean time. Eventually you'll want at least one account set up in the Mail app. Without it you can't send emails and attachments from other apps.

Good Luck.
(Oops, that should read: "you SEEM like the iPad Guru..."!!!)

There are several very helpful people on the forum. You'll run into them all eventually, if you stick around. It's a great place to learn about your iPad, or just hang out for the company.

Welcome to the forum
For personal accounts directly from Yahoo the setup should be pretty automatic. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account and choose the Yahoo option. The only thing you should need to enter is your email address and password. If you've got an indirect account through some other ISP, then you'll probably need to look at their support site on how to set it up.

In the past, Yahoo has been erratic authenticating accounts. I was under the impression (from lack of new complaints) that they had mostly fixed that. However, if they are having problems all you can do is try again later. Delete the not-working account and try adding it again.

Alternately you can use the Yahoo Mail app from the App Store. In some ways this is a better app. It gives you better control over your Spam/Junk and Trash folders You can use that in the mean time. Eventually you'll want at least one account set up in the Mail app. Without it you can't send emails and attachments from other apps.

Good Luck.

Thanks for taking time to write, twerppoet. It's working fine now, however, I'd be interested if you have an opinion about Gmail vs Yahoo. I have both, but might close up shop at Yahoo for most part and use Gmail primarily. I don't Gmail's email interface when on a PC, but I've heard it has a better user interface and they've made big improvements in calendar, now better, presumably, than Yahoo's calendar.

But I'm curious if Gmail could have more problems since G and iOS aren't close friends anymore (due to map app fiasco).

So, with all that said, do you-- or others here--- have an opinion one way or the other regarding either of those email programs?

UGH! Please disregard my posts above. I figured it out and am too embarrassed to even post to perfect strangers what it was I was doing wrong.

<Exiting offstage very quietly...>

Hi Whata.......... - actually despite your personal embarrassment, you should post the solution because I'm assuming that it was something simple that was just overlooked - has happened to us all - one of those 'hit your head' situations - but up to you; AND, there are plenty of great people who have helped many and are willing to freely give of their time - all should get 'pats on the back' for these efforts - Dave :)

Hi Whata.......... - actually despite your personal embarrassment, you should post the solution because I'm assuming that it was something simple that was just overlooked - has happened to us all - one of those 'hit your head' situations - but up to you; AND, there are plenty of great people who have helped many and are willing to freely give of their time - all should get 'pats on the back' for these efforts - Dave :)

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=47907"/>

Well, Dave. Your nice message and befitting image you inserted convinced me to now post my mistake. Oh, but it's such a silly error. I discovered I had already successfully re-established Yahoo email-- using same procedure as twerppoet detailed-- but I was simply in my iCloud email account view--- vs. the "All Inboxes" view. Ugh. I've had this iPad long enough to know, but had simply spaced out.

Have a nice evening and thank you both for the welcome and encouragement!
Well, Dave. Your nice message and befitting image you inserted convinced me to now post my mistake. Oh, but it's such a silly error. I discovered I had already successfully re-established Yahoo email-- using same procedure as twerppoet detailed-- but I was simply in my iCloud email account view--- vs. the "All Inboxes" view. Ugh. I've had this iPad long enough to know, but had simply spaced out.

Have a nice evening and thank you both for the welcome and encouragement!

Thanks Carol for your willingness to respond and explain the situation - actually not as simple as many of our 'simple' overlooks! In the spring, we transitioned over to Apple computers (me on a MBPro & wife on an iMac in the other room w/ an Apple AirPort Extreme router) - WELL, I was trying to explain AirDrop to her (now I was on Wi-Fi) - the DAMN thing would not work! Then I realized that I setup her computer w/ a cabled connection w/ Wi-Fi not turned on - she gave me a very FUNNY face when I tried to explain the reason - LOL! Dave :D Guess what - once I turned her Wi-Fi ON - it worked! Amazing!
Thanks for taking time to write, twerppoet. It's working fine now, however, I'd be interested if you have an opinion about Gmail vs Yahoo. I have both, but might close up shop at Yahoo for most part and use Gmail primarily. I don't Gmail's email interface when on a PC, but I've heard it has a better user interface and they've made big improvements in calendar, now better, presumably, than Yahoo's calendar.

But I'm curious if Gmail could have more problems since G and iOS aren't close friends anymore (due to map app fiasco).

So, with all that said, do you-- or others here--- have an opinion one way or the other regarding either of those email programs?


Apple's moves have all been about not relying on Google. Being dependent on a service provider that is also your main competitor in the mobile device market is asking for conflict of interest and vulnerability to pressure. It's not about what Google did or would do, but what they might in the future.

Apple has not done anything to make the service less capable or reliable on the iPad. Google's response to removing Maps and YouTube integration in iOS was to make better Maps and YouTube apps for the iPad. It's actually what they wanted, since Apple's integrated apps did not let Google collect the information they wanted. Despite all the dire predictions that Apple would spitefully block these apps, that hasn't happened. In fact, a lot of Android fans have complained because iOS devices often receive updated and nicer looking apps first.

GMail works fine on the iPad. There are a few minor issues, like GMail insisting on saving all emails regardless of what choices you make on the iPad, but it's not a big deal. The Calendar and Contacts syncing is as good or better than Yahoo.

If it were just those three things, I'd say there was no real advantage between Gmail and Yahoo; however there are additional hooks and services possible with GMail that you can't do on Yahoo. Some of this is Google Drive, some is because Google offers an API that lets third party developers do things with the Google account.

Yahoo is currently my disposable account, the one I keep just because I already have it. GMail is my second account, for non-personal stuff. An account I can delete if I have to. My main account is iCloud. But the reason for that is because I've had it the longest. It's the email address all my relatives know and my important accounts are set up with. And, of course, being mostly Apple products, it offers a few extras you can't take advantage of in a mixed environment.

All in all, I'd say give both accounts a workout for a while, exploring and seeing what you can and can't do, and the interface you like best. Then start using the one you like, but keep the second around just in case.
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Informative and interesting, thanks for taking time to post that. I've attempted to migrate from my Yahoo calendar to Google, since our school district is all Googly now it seems. HowEVER, I find the Google calendar user interface very klunky (using it on the web not app). The layout of the options seems illogical and not intuitive. So I suppose I could just say forget both Yahoo and Google calendars and use the iCloud calendar, but then I wonder if it would seamlessly handle exports/imports to/fro the school's Google calendar....?

Can anyone weigh in on this? And is there an overview of iCloud's calendar features? Ideally I want to color code events-- maybe use up to 5-6 colors.

Many thanks in advance.

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