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Getting Organized (documents)


iPF Noob
I have and iPad 3 and love it. I use it a lot for documents I have a dropbox, sugar sync, and google docs accounts. I use pages, numbers, and iBooks, and adobe PDF apps to view and modify my documents. My problem is that there are a several documents in each place and I never remember where the one I am looking for is. It there a better way to stay organized with these documents? What I would like is for one app that stores (links to) them all and opens them in the appropriate application. It would also be very cool if the app could link to my Ready NAS Drive as well.

Any Idea?
Take a look at Air Sharing, it links with DropBox, GDrive, SkyDrive... plus FTP, mail and WebDav servers. You can download/upload documents within the app and then move them to other apps through the "Open in" option.
I have been looking at the app readdelDocs for iPad and think that it could do the job as well. Anyone know which is better readdleDocs or air sharing?

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I wish apple endorsed a 14 day trail of apps from the app store. I hate buying apps then finding out it was crap or not what you wanted.

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Agree with you absolutely. Bought and paid for "Outlook Email" to try to get something similar onto my iPad to compare with the excellent Outlook 2010 on my PC. Could not connect to my Internet Service Provider. Their weird reply was an effusive apology that their app only works on some unheard of connection but that I should refer to my IT manager. IT manager? I'm a retired old f.rt whose only manager is my good wife, IT being her question Is That done yet. And I'll say this too. Unlike what I anticipated I find a lot of the Apple apps look quite pathetic. Yes, a "cooling off" period is a definite requirement if Apple at all cares for its customers.

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