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Getting photos from Windows into iPhoto folders


iPF Noob
I get the feeling that my iPad 2 really wants my desktop and laptop to be Macs - and they're not.

I have TONS of photos, organized by folders on my Windows 7 desktop. I successfully downloaded a bunch from a recent trip to the iPad. But when I went to download another folder - all the photos went directly into the the same default one.

I bought some third party app, Photo-sort for iPad, which lets you make new folders on the iPad and transfer pictures from other folders into them - ONE PICTURE AT A TIME. There has to be a better way.

Is there a way to do the organization in iTunes and then move whole folders over? Is there a third party app that actually lets me organize pictures bunches at a time?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Hi, Alice.

I use Photo-Sort to transfer photos back and forth between my PC (a Windows 7 machine) and my iPad - quite often, actually.

If I may promote my own post, please see this thread (post #10): http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-help/40140-problem-photos-app-ipad-2-a.html

In it, I explain how you can create a network drive on your PC. It's very handy because you can see all the folders in Photo-Sort and then copy/paste to and from those folders.

I just tested this: After you map the iPad's Photo-Sort to the PC, you can create a folder in Photo-Sort from your PC (of course, Photo-Sort's FTP server must be on). Then, you can plop in all the pictures you want. Once you turn off the FTP server, the folder(s) appear in Photo-Sort.

The reverse is also true - you can copy entire folders over to your PC...

In addition, Photo-Sort will let you import multiple photos from the Photo app. In the main screen, there's a down arrow at the bottom. Pressing that opens the iPad's photo album. You select any number of photos you wish (you won't see a check mark ... they'll just flicker for a second). Then, when you're done selecting, you press the blue Done button and the items you've picked will be input into Photo-Sort.

Note that this method just copies the pictures from the stock Photo app - they'll be in both places.

As you can tell, I really like how Photo-Sort works in transferring photos to and from my PC. As usual, and as always, however, YMMV.


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