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iPF Noob
Hello All,
My name is Michael and I need some help developing an iPad app. I have a degree in Computer Science however I have not done any computer programming in 3 or 4 years. I am a pilot by trade and the owner of the company that I just got employed for found out that I have a CS degree and now I come into the office the next morning and I have a MacBook Pro and an iPad2 sitting on my desk. He owns several construction companies and needs to track each piece of heavy equipment usage time, down time, and idle time. The plan is to eventually give each job foreman an iPad so he/she can type their information for each piece of equipment in and have it sent to a server at company HQ where that data can be manipulated. I have zero experience with Macs or Objective C. I would consider my self a intermediate skill level with C# and Java but I have never written a program that can communicate with a server. I know I need some intermediate language like JSON or Ruby but I am lost from there. I can make the framework of a basic program in Xcode but I really need someone with some time to talk me through what steps I need and spell out what I need to do (no worries, I do not want the program written for me). I am kind of in the weeds on this one. I have no due time for the project so I can take time to "relearn" programming, I just need a direction from someone with patients who wouldn't mind helping me out. This is a pretty cool job and the boss owns some awesome airplanes so I would like to be able to impress him with this project.

Mike :confused:
If you go to iTunes U, you'll find a complete Stanford course "Developing apps for iOS". It's at the top of the charts at the moment.

That should get you well on your way.
I will defiantly check that out!!!! I have been working on this by my self finding random articles here and there that have just frustrated me more than anything. Sounds like exactly what I need. Just ordered a book on OS4 from amazon. If you have any other tips keep 'em coming!!!
I'm not even a beginner myself, and I've only gotten about 4 videos into the course. I have a book that I kind of like, Cocoa and Objective C: Up and Running, but the course is easier to follow and has more practical exercises, in my opinion.

There are five publications Apple puts out, very dry but useful for understanding their guidelines and standards. You can get them from the iBooks store for free.

Cocoa Fundamentals
The Objective-C Programing Language
Object-Oriented Programing with Objective-C
iOS Application Programing
iOS Human Interface Guidelines
iOS Technology Overview

I've barely glanced at them so far.

Other than that, all I have are probably the same random articles from the intenet. Some are useful, but none of them make it all hang together.
Mike, Fiberlink is hosting a FREE webinar next Thursday on this topic (Building Apps for iPhone and iPad)

If you'd like information on how to register, send me a private message (the same goes for anyone else who is interested)
Hello All,
My name is Michael and I need some help developing an iPad app. I have a degree in Computer Science however I have not done any computer programming in 3 or 4 years. I am a pilot by trade and the owner of the company that I just got employed for found out that I have a CS degree and now I come into the office the next morning and I have a MacBook Pro and an iPad2 sitting on my desk. He owns several construction companies and needs to track each piece of heavy equipment usage time, down time, and idle time. The plan is to eventually give each job foreman an iPad so he/she can type their information for each piece of equipment in and have it sent to a server at company HQ where that data can be manipulated. I have zero experience with Macs or Objective C. I would consider my self a intermediate skill level with C# csharp.net-informations.com and Java but I have never written a program that can communicate with a server. I know I need some intermediate language like JSON or Ruby but I am lost from there. I can make the framework of a basic program in Xcode but I really need someone with some time to talk me through what steps I need and spell out what I need to do (no worries, I do not want the program written for me). I am kind of in the weeds on this one. I have no due time for the project so I can take time to "relearn" programming, I just need a direction from someone with patients who wouldn't mind helping me out. This is a pretty cool job and the boss owns some awesome airplanes so I would like to be able to impress him with this project.

Mike :confused:

Yonly Objective-C is allowed by now...but since few month, you'are allowed to write script that will be interpreted in your application.
So you may be abble to write a LUA interpreter or a Python interpreter, then write some part of your application in this scripting language.
MonoTouch lets you use .NET languages -- C# is directly supported, but if you have Windows, you can make assemblies in any .NET language and use it. You have to use Xcode platform to develop iOS app, on the next version that is now available on beta release, Xcode 4 support also C++.

This is an old thread, but anyone who is interested in starting out, I can highly recommend software called Multimedia Fusion 2, which enables iOS development through quite innovative and intuitive drag & drop interface. You don't need to learn any programming languages to make and release games for iPad, for instance.

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