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Glad to have found this website (and some ideas for improvements)


I'm glad that I found this website. There seems to be a lot of knowledge around here. I have an iPad3 and many questions. Some of them have already been answered here. Thanks for that!

However, there are two things in particular that I find could be even better on this website.

First, when I enter this website from my iPad I get forced to click "Cancel" in order to get not forced into the Appstore in order to download the iPadForums app.

My browsers (on my Mac and on my iPad) are all configured in a way that - while I'm browsing - all cookies and all history are allowed, but everything gets deleted automatically as soon as I quit the browser. I don't like traces of me on the net and I don't like getting traced (and I think that no user benefits from any tracing, all tracing is only for the benefit of the tracer). Therefore I'm getting harassed by this app pop-up whenever I come with a fresh browser onto the website.

What is good about this? Why are the makers of this forum so eager to convince everybody into using their app that they use a pop-up window to promote it? Why not letting me go straight to the website and having a small but visible banner there that lets me know that there is an forum app, too? I think that would be much better.

Second, because I often come with a fresh browser onto the website, I am also getting presented with a huge square that tells me that I'm not logged in and that I will enter heaven on earth when I register here. Come on, guys. Whoever goes onto a forum website knows that it is possible to register or log in here. Why throwing that so big into my face? I think it would be nicer to have an information like that much smaller, especially much less vertical space consuming.

It would be great if these things could be rearranged in a less pushy and more decent way.

Besides that: I'm glad that I found this website. There seems to be a lot of knowledge around here. I have an iPad3 and many questions. Some of them have already been answered here. Thanks for that!

Greetings - neartheredrocks
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