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GoodReader Tips

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iPF Novice
With the influx of new users who are interested in using the iPad as a general computing device, I've decided to write a little help on what I find is by far my most useful app: GoodReader.

So what can you do with GoodReader?
  • Transfer files to your iPad, and organize them
  • Read PDF, MS Office and many document types
  • Watch movies and listen to audio
  • ...more

Lots of people complain that transferring files to the iPad is a pain. I used to agree.

GoodReader supports several ways to get files onto your iPad.
  • WiFi transfer
  • Downloading from the Browser
  • Drop Box
  • USB

So let's talk a little bit about transferring files.

One way is downloading with the built-in browser:


Or you can use over the air WiFi syncing:

You can browse it in a browser, or add it as a networked dick.

Another way is to use the free GoodReaderUSB utility:

I use this by far the most. It doesn't rely on your iTunes, so you can sync from any computer. Its tiny, so put it on a USB stick and take it with you.

More on GoodReaderUSB, including the download link:

But once you have the files on your iPad, you have plenty of possibilities of accessing them. First and foremost, you can use "Open In" feature to transfer from GoodReader to any other app.

:comingsoon: Tip: Apple actually makes a copy and transfers the file over to the other app - you're not editing the original!

The organization features are very complete, as you can see.

Secondly, GoodReader has by far the best PDF viewer in my testing - but not the fastest! Just tap on the PDF to view. The UI is very good and it supports "search-inside" and other features.

I also like to watch videos in GoodReader: especially TV shows, sports and other stuff that, maybe because you only will watch it once or or the sake privacy, you don't want to have in iTunes.

Enjoy everyone!
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Very nice tutorial. For me, screen shots are everything!

Several programs are now exploiting this ability to transfer files to and from the device outside of the iTunes environment. (Well, you still have to be docked to your computer and have iTunes running, but you can transfer files without syncing) I use the WiFi transfer all the time, but even by using the USB transfer method, this is by far the better way to go rather than syncing through iTunes.

I think the developers sold themselves short. It should be called GreatReader!
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Boo. I knew it. Because I went to get it and then realized I could not edit my reports.:(

I use Pages, but not everything opens in Pages ~ they give Good Reader as an option to open ~ but only to read.
I love Goodreader, it is so useful for me in work. Saving from emails or USB is great. It took some time getting the hang of using it, this tut did not exist when I got it :)

Once I got the hang of it, transferring files into folders is just as easy on the ipad as it is on my PC.
Excellent post NumbLock.
Thanks very much for the GoodreaderUSB. Never new it exists, now
I'm not forced to use iTunes.
Does GoodReader work and does it work well with OneDrive for Business (emphasis on the business account and not personal account), and what would the login process be like? SSO?
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