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Goodreader to itunes

Sure. Hook your iPad up to iTunes. Once it's connected (and showing in the left column), click on the iPad line. Then, in the right side, at the top, is a line titled "Apps."

Click on that and scroll to the botton, where there will be a box under the line "File Sharing." Scroll through the apps in the left column until you find Goodreader and highlight it (click on it). On the right side will appear all the files in Goodreader.

Select a file and then at the bottom will appear a button "Save to..." Clicking on that button will open a window where you can select where to save that file. iTunes will copy to wherever you select.

For media files, I'd suggest you save the files to your desktop and then use iTunes' add to library function (under File). I say that because I've never saved stuff into iTunes folder directly from an app but I know that saving to the desktop and then adding to iTunes works.

Hope this helps. Good luck.


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