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Google drive and iPad


iPF Noob
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if there is a way to access Google Drive in the same manner as you would access iCloud?


Do you mean so you can edit files on your Google Drive? I can access my files through the Google Drive app but I cannot edit them. I thought this was going to be possible.
Exactly. I expected that I would be able to open docs from google docs and save them back to google docs. I'd at least like to copy files to and from google docs so I can modify them in Pages and other iPad apps. Any suggestions.
This is a HUGE problem and I can't believe I'm not seeing more about this out there. As of now there's no way to edit google docs offline-- I just spent all evening testing each app that supposedly allows access and editing of google docs. Only one app, DocsToGo, allows editing offline, but then it creates a NEW file with the date added so you end up with as many files as times you edited. Also the syncing on DocsToGo is extremely slow. I mean REALLY slow! Please let me know if I'm mistaken-- I hope I am, because this is a deal breaker for me.
I have an app from the app store called Google Drive and I can view and edit any of the documents in my google drive. I believe you can even collaborate with others on a document.

Hope that helps

I have an app from the app store called Google Drive and I can view and edit any of the documents in my google drive. I believe you can even collaborate with others on a document.

Hope that helps


They just added that a month or two ago. It's only for their native Google doc files, and wont' work with the spreadsheet or presentation files, yet. Still, better than nothing, and I seem to remember an article that promised further improvements in this area.

Still, no cloud service app is going to do what most of the people here want with third party apps (third party to that cloud service). That has to be done on the app end. For Pages to act like iCloud on another cloud service would mean that Apple has to change Pages.

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