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Google Earth iOS App Gets 3D Update


iPadForums News Team

9to5 Mac reports today that Google has stolen a march on Apple by bringing 3D images to its Google Earth iOS app via a new update. As has been widely reported, Apple has canned Google Maps in iOS 6, which is currently in beta stage, and replaced it with its own in-house 3D Maps app, but Google has actually managed to get 3D mapping onto iOS ahead of Apple itself with this new version of Google Earth. As with the new iOS Maps app, you’ll only be able to get the 3D features in Google Earth if you have a more recent device, such as an iPhone 4S or second or third generation iPad, but for those who are eligible to receive it in all its glory, by updating, you will now be able to view cities such as LA, Boston, Geneva or Rome in 3D. More cities will also be added by Google. The update also has another new feature, Tour Guide, where you can get new tours of your favourite cities and locations.

Click here to download the updated app: App Store - Google Earth

Source: Google beats Apple to the punch with 3D update to iOS Google Earth app today | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence
LA, Boston, Geneva, Rome, with more to be added? I live in puny Lafayette, IN, and it is in 3D now. Has been for a while, on my Android phone. Looks like Google punishing the IOS crowd for Apple dropping Maps? If the imagery comes from their servers, wouldn't everyone get new cities at the same time?

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