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Google Maps App Update Includes “Measure Distance” Feature


iPadForums News Team
Google Maps launches new Measure distance feature on iOS.webp

MacRumors reports that Google has just updated its Maps app for iOS with a very useful feature that has already been available on its Maps web app for quite a while. The new feature simply enables you to measure the distance between at least two points or places on the map “as the crow flies.”

So, as well as being able to see how long it will take you to get somewhere, or how to get there, you can also now calculate the actual geographical distance between locations in the Maps app, such as the straight-line mileage between two cities.

In order to measure the distance between two or more places in Google Maps, all you have to do is touch and hold a point on the map to generate a red pin in that spot, then tap the place name at the bottom of the screen. Next, scroll down and select “Measure distance,” then move the map so that the black circle is over the next place that you want to measure the distance between, and then tap the blue “Add point” button. You can keep adding all the points you like, with the cumulative distance totting up as you go in the bottom left of the screen. To remove the last point entered, just tap the Undo arrow in the top right corner of the app, or if you want to erase everything and start again, tap the three dots in the top right and then choose “Clear.”

Source: Google Maps App Update Brings 'Measure Distance' Feature to iPhone and iPad

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