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Googlemail password


iPF Noob
Apr 2, 2012
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Hi all, my wife has forgotten her Gmail password and its quite an involved process involving payment to get it back, however, because she is permanently logged into her Ipad2 she can access her emails but not from any other device and we wondered if there is any way to access the password from her Ipad2?
Go to GMail using Safari. If necessary sign out. Try to sign in. At some point it should give you the usual iforgot my password choice. Follow the bouncing prompts. You should be able to do this at just about any Google service (in Safari) that requires you to be signed in.

There is no way to recover the password from the iPad. If there was then anyone could pick up your devices and steal them.
Thanks for replying, she eventually found a different page on Google and was able to reset her password, thanks, Jim.

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