Public Opinion 1.0
Category: News
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Got an opinion?
This is place to make it heard. We'll ask the questions that popular media doesn't dare to. Our opinionated staff will keep you entertained and informed with a daily selection of questions from politics, sports, entertainment, business, and home life.
Every day three new questions will be posted. Once you give your answer you get to see just how popular your opinion is! A pie chart will appear showing you how many other respondents picked the same answers.
Even curiouser?
You can play with the data by isolating pie wedges. When you tap one pie, the charts for the other questions adjust to reflect that segment of people - control one or two variables, see how the others change.
Public Opinion
OK have you tried Public Opinion in the iPad, if so what do you think about it?

Category: News
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)

Got an opinion?
This is place to make it heard. We'll ask the questions that popular media doesn't dare to. Our opinionated staff will keep you entertained and informed with a daily selection of questions from politics, sports, entertainment, business, and home life.
Every day three new questions will be posted. Once you give your answer you get to see just how popular your opinion is! A pie chart will appear showing you how many other respondents picked the same answers.
Even curiouser?
You can play with the data by isolating pie wedges. When you tap one pie, the charts for the other questions adjust to reflect that segment of people - control one or two variables, see how the others change.
Public Opinion
OK have you tried Public Opinion in the iPad, if so what do you think about it?