Hi Ya Alex,
Dagnabit Alex, you are just too hard to please, why does it disappoint you?
What did you want it to have that it doesn't at this time?
(Maybe they'll catch you on the next Generation)
I think it will change the world, I haven't been this excited about a product
since MacPlus! The possibilities are endless. . .
My name is Jill and I'm addicted to Apple products. . . .
Hey Jill, i'm also a Mac Addict. I own an original Mac 128k, a Centris 610, a Beige G3 266(ZIF upgrade to G4/1ghz), iBook G3, iBook G4, mac mini, PowerMac G5, white iMac G5 (now dead thanks to leaky capacitors), an iPhone 3G, and the new 2009-2010 iMac.
With that said, I think the iPad in its current form is basically an iPod Touch for fat-fingered people!!!!
Things I would like to see to make me happy:
-FRONT mounted camera. The rear facing camera I think would be fairly useless in this product seeing as how it's not REALLY supposed to be used as a mobile device. It's more laptop-ish than a pocket pc. With a front mount camera, Skype would be great to use with the iPad.
-SD card slot. They're putting them in all their other products, why not this one? If Apple wants users to truly utilize the power of the iPad, by having an SD card slot, people can take what they were doing from work or home, save it to the SD card, and pop it into the iPad to continue their work.
-USB port. While having bluetooth is nice for things like a keyboard, it would be nice not to have to rely on WiFi to access another storage medium other than the built in flash drive. This kind of goes with the SD card slot. One or the other would have been nice.
-An INCLUDED case. Come on Apple!!!!! We all know that the special case is going to set us back another 60-80.....
Now I realize the camera connection kit essentially adds an SD card slot to the iPad, but who wants a bigass connector thing sticking out of the bottom of their iPad? Not to mention Apple will probably charge an arm for it. It would've been nice for them to at least include it with the iPad along with the case AND dock!!!!!