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iPF Noob
I am new to your site. I have the iPad 3, iPhone 5 and a 15" MacBook Pro. They all talk to each other and I have had no issues so far.
I do have one question though. When I sync my iPad with my Mac Pro, I noticed that on my memory usage bar, there is 2.4 gig used in "other".
Does anyone know what is used as memory under the "other" category?

Thanks and looking forward to being an active member of this site.

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iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

Chamjam said:
I am new to your site. I have the iPad 3, iPhone 5 and a 15" MacBook Pro. They all talk to each other and I have had no issues so far.
I do have one question though. When I sync my iPad with my Mac Pro, I noticed that on my memory usage bar, there is 2.4 gig used in "other".
Does anyone know what is used as memory under the "other" category?

Thanks and looking forward to being an active member of this site.


Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Have a look at these threads which address 'other'

3 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.


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