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Happy Holidays from iPadForums.net


Staff member

We would like to take this moment to thank all of the members of this wonderful community. Without your contributions and friendship none of this would be possible. We've seen tremendous growth and we see no signs of that slowing down. With your help in the new year we will continue to put our full effort into making this place the best it can be!

Here's to having a wonderful holiday and ushering in another new year of great tidings. Merry Christmas and be safe and enjoy the time off!
And thank you John for providing this place for us iPad enthusiasts to hang out. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all of the folks at Forum Foundry.
Happy holidays

This IS the best Forum.
Every search in Google for iPAD bring lots of references into that forum.
Lets keep up the good work.
Happy Holidays also fellow forum members, moderators, and anyone involved on this great site. This is my number 1 source for ipad news, tips, amd everything else having to do with Apple Ipad. I love being a member, Really! ;-)

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