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Has anyone deleted the Safari Web Browser APP and the Mesaage App through iFile?

Nope. I'm chicken like that - I wouldn't delete stock apps from the iPad. Don't want to mess about too much in the iPad innards. I've seen too many posts from people that start with "help, I've deleted ...." and end with "...and now it won't work!" So, I just hide the default apps or stick 'em in a folder. Of course, and as always, YMMV. :)

But why not hide them with SBSettings or Poof (if you don't want to get SBSettings)? You'll never have to know, or remember, that they are there...


Edited to add: Since you are talking about jail breaking stuff, I've taken the liberty of moving this post over to the Hacking section. Thanks for your understanding.
Dont under any circumstances delete either. Both are fundamental to the continued operation of IOS, regardless of what alternatives you have installed via Cydia. IOS does not like to have things deleted from it!
Just hide them and deal with it! ;)

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