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Have a question about syncing my iPad 2 (JB) with new MacBook Pro


iPF Noob

I've got an iPad 2 on 5.0 which is jailbroken. It's currently synced with my old Windows laptop and I've got tiny umbrella with my blobs saved as well.

How do I smoothly transfer everything to my MacBook? I haven't synced my iPad since I got the MacBook 4 months ago. I do have iCloud set up but I get those messages asking if I'm sure I want to sync with a new library and I'm paranoid about losing my jailbreak! Thanks for the help!
As you are jailbroken I've moved your post to the Hacking forum to get you the help that you need......good luck!

The Archangel
I'm not sure being jailbroken has any bearing on this at all. A jailbroken device behaves exactly the same as a non-jailbroken device as far as iTunes is concerned. The only thing to be careful about is not updating IOS on your iPad if iTunes offers it to you.

I am certainly not an expert on moving iTunes between PC's but it sounds to be like the Windows Migration Assistant should help you. That helps transfer a complete iTunes account (as well as lots of other things, optionally) from a Windows PC to a new Mac computer.

Have a look at this guide here - About Windows Migration Assistant

Good luck.
Thanks! I'll try the Migration Assistant again. When I first got my Mac, I didn't know what I was doing for the most part so I skipped a lot of the set-up stuff. I'm going to make the last transfers this week and become PC free! It's funny how after just a few months, I already find myself forgetting how to do something on my Windows laptop. Even though iTunes is so much friendlier on a Mac, I'm still not a fan. I don't hate it anymore though-baby steps :) Thanks again.
I moved everything from PC to MBP, but put it on VMWare Fusion. To make iTunes work correctly in this manner, but using Fusion transfer or migration. I needed to first deactivate the computer. On the other computer reactivate. when transferring using a disk image, it was necessary to reinstall iTunes, but it retained my files. I also transferred my entire computer intact by first making a virtual driver for the PC to move to the iMac. Took a long time but worked. iTunes is one I had to reinstall to work right.

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