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HD streaming and transcode


iPF Noob
My Nexus 7 just died and I used to use it to stream and transcode video from my HDR. SD content was OK but it wasn't powerful enough for HD. If I upgrade to an Mini 2 can I a) do the same thing (are there apps) and b) is the mini 2 powerful enough?

Can you explain a bit more what you wish to do?
I used to copy MOV files made in an external camera onto iPad 2 via the SD card plugged into an adapter.
So far i have not tried this on an iPad Mini 2.
Once on the iPad I used an app called MConverter to change the file to MP4.
Can you explain a bit more what you wish to do?
I used to copy MOV files made in an external camera onto iPad 2 via the SD card plugged into an adapter.
So far i have not tried this on an iPad Mini 2.
Once on the iPad I used an app called MConverter to change the file to MP4.

Rather than convert the file to play on the ipad (takes time) I want to transcode (convert) on the fly. I use bubbleupnp on the nexus, the programme can transcode but the nexus isn't quick enough and playback keeps freezing.
Hi Rob...
When you transcoded on the fly, were you able to save the file as well? And play it again later?
Presently I transcode and store all movies on an external WiFi connected drive.
Takes some time, but the final result is flexible.
Pete, no it transcodes live and doesn't save the file. To replay would need to transcode again.
According to futuremark.com the mini is about 6 times faster than the nexus 7 so might do the job if there was some software for it
Hi Rob ...
You should be able to do what you request, with an appropriate app.
Alas I don't have a recomendation. Hopefully someone else will reply who has done on iPad what you want to do.
As an aside, I believe that now Apple does not stock apps that stream and capture.
Does anyone else know?

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