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HDMI AV Connector : IPad Stability Problem


iPF Noob
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Reading the various threads it appears there are problems with these connectors, anyway here goes.

Hooked up the adapter to the HDMI input to a Sony Bravia TV and what was on the pad was seen on the TV. However when the pad is then touched I get random jumping on the pad screen and some in cases random characters being generated where input is assumed by the pad. All of which does end up on the screen. Not sure if this is an adapter problem on iOS problem. Has anybody experienced this or knows of a solution.

Thanks in advance for any advice / help.


The easiest first way to try to solve ‘unexplained’ or ‘unusual’ problems with the iPad are:-

Force the offending app to close. If you have iOS 4.2 or 4.3 double-press the ‘Home’ button to bring up the multi-task bar at the bottom of the screen. Press *and hold* any icon until they start to ‘jiggle’. Then tap the top left-hand corner of the app that you want to close. It will ‘disappear’ from the list. Don’t panic - you’ve not deleted it, just closed it. Now tap the Home screen and the multi-task bar will disappear. Re-open the iPad’s app and see if the problem has resolved itself. If not, it’s on to possible solution number two!!
Restart the iPad. Press *and hold* the Power button. After a couple of seconds a slider control will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to switch the iPad off (this is all you’ll be doing). Slide the control to accept. A rotating white ‘bezel’ will appear in the iPad screen as the iPad powers down (it takes a few seconds, just like it would if you were shutting down your PC). When the screen of the iPad has gone completely blank, press *and hold* the Power button for a couple of seconds until the white Apple logo appears and the iPad starts to power up. This takes several seconds, so be patient. During the power up the automatic screen orientation function is disabled, so don’t panic. A few seconds before the power up is complete, the iPad plays a little ‘jingle’ and then you’re back to the Home screen. Restart the iPad’s app and see if the problem persists. Apple (and Forum members) recommend that you power down your iPad at least once a week, just as you might regularly completely switch off your PC. The normal procedure of just briefly pressing the Power button of the iPad merely puts it to ‘sleep’. Most Forum members have found that one of the two methods I’ve mentioned here cure a whole bunch of unexplained problems and are an easy first step to resolving most anything that happens on the iPad.

Hi Tim

Thanks for the Info. Putting your advice into practice certainly did improve the situation. The result: I was able to watch ITunes sourced movies Full Screen (16:9) but interestingly BBC IPlayer and Crackle Movies where wide screen format but not fully scaled to the TV say 50% of full screen. As this is the first time I have tried this I am not sure if its normal. The second situation is quite bizarre, the pad screen became very touch sensitive but not accurate make it very difficult to select things even with a stylus. Overall partial success.

Appreciate any feedback.

Thanks & regards

I've also attached my iPad2 to my Sony Bravia HD LED TV, but have not experienced any problems with this setup. Just wanted to let you know.
Hi Larry

Useful to know. What apps did you try it with?

I suspect these connectors are not intelligent I.e. No chip inside simply a a connector with wires and problems experienced could be to do with a several things e.g. Pins, signal incompatibility. At the moment I pass my connection via an intelligent 3 way adapter as I only have 2 HDMI inputs on the TV. I shall be trying a direct feed.

Appreciate your comments on type of apps used.

Larry sorry left something out. Do you always get Full Screen display ?
First, my main goal was to show a movie I created with iMovie on my Mac. I moved it to my iPad and tested it on my 55" TV and it worked great...full screen and all. I tested several other apps (mostly games) just to see how they displayed. Since I'm not planning to do a lot of iPad via cable to TV, I didn't pay a lot of attention whether they were all full screen, but I believe they were. I was very impressed with the HD display quality. I didn't observe any jumping as you described, but I'll watch for it next time.
I am very interested to know if you managed to get the iPlayer working full screen.

I am off to Florida in 3 weeks time and plan to pick up this connector whilst I am over there, but not if it cant do full screen.

Also, will it enable me to use the "Air Video" app to stream movies from my PC including the 5.1 audio instead of having to put them on a dongle and plug into my BR home cinema?

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Hi Harters

No success ! I'm still no further forward and my original post stands. For my situation the over sensitivity issue with the pad makes it unusable. I agree disregarding other issues full screen playback is essential. Maybe somebody else could jump in and confirm either way.

With regard to the stability issue is does not seem others have reported this problem so I will approach Apple Support for advice. From the posts regarding this connector is does seem there are successes and failures so for me a bit inconclusive !!!

Sorry not to be more helpful.

Cheers Globalpad
Globalpad said:
Hi Harters

No success ! I'm still no further forward and my original post stands. For my situation the over sensitivity issue with the pad makes it unusable. I agree disregarding other issues full screen playback is essential. Maybe somebody else could jump in and confirm either way.

With regard to the stability issue is does not seem others have reported this problem so I will approach Apple Support for advice. From the posts regarding this connector is does seem there are successes and failures so for me a bit inconclusive !!!

Sorry not to be more helpful.

Cheers Globalpad

Thanks for the update..... Maybe someone else will give their opinion before I fly put :D

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
I have just borrowed a friends connector and I have made up my mind.

I will not be buying it as I cannot get the iplayer to play full screen and the quality of films are nowhere near as good as the source footage.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Hi Harters

Check out this video on YouTube:

It looks like full screen is possible but ensure you have the "Apple" HDMI AV connector!! If you can test the adapter at the sales outlet it would be wise !! This still does not of course eliminate possible variations with types of TV.

Cheers Globalpad
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Globalpad said:
Hi Harters

Check out this video on YouTube:

Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7CoLgDqVPo&feature=youtube_gdata_player

It looks like full screen is possible but ensure you have the "Apple" HDMI AV connector!! If you can test the adapter at the sales outlet it would be wise !! This still does not of course eliminate possible variations with types of TV.

Cheers Globalpad

I have seen that video, but I wasn't happy with the quality of my 720p movies output and the inlayer still seems to have the thin bars at the edges, just like it does on the iPad itself :(. I did have the "Apple" HDMI AV connector"

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

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