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Hello all - new user


iPF Noob
Hello everyone, Like many others, I received my i-pad for Christmas and am sort of stumbling my way through the learning curve.

By way of introduction, I live in the middle of the U.S., am on the other side of middle age which makes me a tech geezer I suppose, as I do like these sorts of gadgets. My current vocation is as a pastor, thus the user name. I'm happily married to my wife of 37 years with two children, two grandchildren and a grouchy old dog. I am bi-locational and thus spend several days each week at my work location & away from home.

I'm finding the ipad to be quite useful, particularly for watching Netflix and such. I'm also a Kindle user and find the Kindle app for the ipad to be a good tool - I'm not crazy about the ibook reader, at least thus far.

I own a vintage ipod - the big, white, 64gb version and it performs flawlessly. I am not an iphone user as I've been on Verizon for a good long while and upgraded to a Android phone a while back. I do like that technology.

I think once I get to spend sufficient time getting up the learning curve and upgrade my work wireless to 802.11n, then life will be great. My ipad is only wireless as 3g is a bit useless in my neck of the woods.

I'm looking forward to hanging around this forum to learn a few things. And thanks in advance for the help.
Hello and welcome to the forum. If you ever have a question it's either here already or someone will have an answer. These iPads really do work well on the road, that's for sure.

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