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Hello all!


iPF Noob
Hello everyone! Bought myself an ipad retina after getting a bonus at work and I'm astounded by the machine! What a bit of kit. I work offshore so it's handy for all sorts of stuff but is limited by the rigs Internet security - things like you tube and App Store don't work. I've done a wee bit reading up on tips and tricks and its unbelievable what's hidden in the background on these things.
I've not any specific questions or the like but I do read a lot of the posts and wonder how long it will be before I'm worthy of this thing!
Hope you are all well and I look forward to chatting to you all in the future. Outstanding site.
Welcome to the forum Titus. It's good to see that you have WiFi so you can communicate with "the outside world" off that offshore rig. It gives you a great way to relax when work is over. Don't hesitate to ask about anything you are not clear on. Lots of people here happy to assist. Feel free to join in with any of the conversations. I reckon you would have a few good stories to tell yourself.
Regards, Andrew
Thank you all for your hellos! Took me a while to work out how to reply but slowly finding my way around!! @ OB - plenty tales but its all filth and mens talk that's defo best left on the rig! Don't want to get banned straight away!
Tell you what I could do with knowing is a good app that let's me watch stuff with wifi available but no streaming services work. We don't get you tube,Netflix or App Store or iTunes. I've got pocket and hopefully I can get to grips with that. The idea is fill it with stuff to watch when I'm home then use the app to watch stuff later. I don't even know if this is possible!!
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