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Hello All!


iPF Noob
I just bought an iPad over the weekend and am already in LOVE with it and I don't really know that much about it yet. I'm pretty sure that I'm hooked on it already! I will be browsing around in here looking for tips and info about it.:)
Greetings and welcome to the forum!

When you get some time, I suggest you download a copy of the iPad User Guide. It is available for free in several different formats.

a) As a free PDF download from the Apple website --

Apple - Support - Manuals


This can (and should!) be saved on your computer and your iPad.

b) As a free iBook once you download the free iBook app from the iTunes App Store.

c) Online using the link provided in the Safari favorites on your iPad.

The answers to many questions, especially if this is your first Apple mobile "iDevice", can be answered by spending some quality time with this handy document.

(Graduated from IU-B.... many years ago!)

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